Believe in change
— Pursuing the goodness & improvements —
Hoshizora Foundation
Co-founder & Board Member, Founded 2006
Yogyakarta & Indonesia
Indonesia’s independent foundation (NGO) based in Yogyakarta, which has provided “Mimpi Anak Negeri” scholarship and mentoring to over 1,500 children from the various island in Indonesia through foster siblings program.
PT. Bintang Langit Mandiri (Hoshizora Social Enterprise)
Co-founder & Board of Commissioners, Founded 2012
Yogyakarta & Indonesia
Hoshizora Foundation Social Enterprise established Desa Wisata Kalakijo, an integrated tourist destination, in Kalakijo Village. With a poverty rate of 30%, 3 times higher than Indonesian poverty rate, on average the villagers earn less than $1 a day. Desa Wisata Kalakijo was created to reveal the potentials of this village and empower the local villagers to improve their lives. The revenue streams of Desa Wisata Kalakijo are:
- Ingkung Kuali Restaurant —, serving traditionally cooked chicken dishes,
- Environmental Education Center (EEC) —, where visitors can learn about permaculture and sustainable farming, and
- Hoshizora Tour —, which brings international and domestic tourists to the village to enjoy the food, learn permaculture or learn about traditional batik making. These three revenue streams are all located in the same vicinity, giving the customers freedom to choose how they would like to spend their day at Desa Wisata Kalakijo.
The net profit of Desa Wisata Kalakijo is distributed to various sectors; the villagers, Hoshizora Foundation for children’s mentoring programs, the investors, and to further development of Desa Wisata Kalakijo.
Art means the world to me
Let’s capture our moments, talk about the big idea, draft it, then always grateful for our life.
Let’s get in touch.
© 2017