
Acer ASPIRE-ONE-ku hidup kembali..^___^)/

Adikku pinjem leptop Acer AspireOne kesayanganku bwat presentasi di kampusnya. pulang2 komplain ke aku

“Mas, leptopmu murup tur mati..”


lampu power buttonnya nya menyala,
No Disk spinning,
No other light flashed,
No fan,



he he kesian banged keknya dya nerasa bersalah sekali..
“Wis rapopo..ntar tak uruse wae, maklum sik namanya barang elektronik kiy sok nguno kuwi..”
padahal dalam hatiku yo “waduhh ngopo kiyy..???
lagi tak nggo nggarap skripsi jehh”. . .
Akhirnya hari ini googling nemu alamat Service Centernya ACER di jogja :

ACER CARE Yogyakarta
Komp. Ruko Casa Grande No. 07
Jl. Ring Road Utara – Sleman
Yogyakarta 55282
Phone: (0274) 871 007
Sedih aku..
setelah tak bawa ke sono ternyata ACER Jogja gak menerima service untuk pembelian diluar Indonesia (FYI: Aku beli leptopnya di AMAZON.COM USA nitip masku waktu pulang lebaran kmaren, selisih 2 juta jhe kalo beli di Indo).
Terus mbake CS ngasih solusi kudu contact langsung ke pusatnya di Mangga Dua Jakarta..
Ampun dah..
mosok aku kudu ke jakarta???
akhirnya pulang dengan tanpa hasil..
* * *
mpe rumah iseng2 nyari forum2 tentang aspire One..
ternyata kasus mati mendadak gini gak cuman aku yang ngalamin..
searching lagi
lagi dan lagi..
akhirnya nemu SOLUSI!
waaaaaaaaa………….. seneng banged rasanya…
dan sekarang netbook ku IDUP LAGI hohoho….
buat yg ngalamin kasus yg sama bisa dicoba cara berikut..
Solusinya relatif cepat & mudah jika anda tau apa yang harus anda lakukan 😀
Saya mengikuti instruksi berikut ini dan NetBook ku hidup kembali ^_______^)/
*just be carefull, resikonya garansi anda bisa hilang kalo’ gagal he he he*
* * *

The AA1 has a built-in BIOS recovery routine, making it possible to flash the BIOS even if the system doesn’t boot anymore. It’s only meant for emergencies and may void your warranty, so use at your own risk.

Follow every step carefully!

First format an USB stick with FAT.

Download the latest BIOS, and put both FLASHIT.EXE and the BIOS file in the root directory of the stick. Rename the BIOS file to ZG5IA32.FD, that’s important. Do not remove the USB stick.

Turn the AA1 off, make sure both battery and AC adapter are connected. Press Fn+Esc, keep it pressed and press the power button to turn the AA1 on. Release Fn+Esc after a few seconds, the power button will be blinking. Press the power button once. The AA1 will now initiate the BIOS flash, do not interrupt it under any circumstances. After a while the power button will stop blinking, and the AA1 will reboot shortly after. Wait patiently.

The BIOS has been flashed and all settings reset to default.

If for some reason you made a mistake during the procedure and it doesn’t reboot by itself wait 5 minutes before turning it off, just to be safe that it isn’t still flashing the BIOS.

sumber :

Ahmad Bukhori

Co-Founder & CEO of Hoshizora Foundation, Indonesia's independent foundation (NGO) based in Yogyakarta, which has provided "Mimpi Anak Negeri" scholarship and mentoring to over 1,500 children from the various island in Indonesia through foster siblings program. His expertise in IT development, Photography & Digital Media has greatly contributed to the management and operation of Hoshizora’s ICT infrastructure and graphics design as his passion for social innovation.

Ahmad BukhoriAcer ASPIRE-ONE-ku hidup kembali..^___^)/


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  • Anonymous - October 31, 2009

    Wuakakaka..mesti lego + seneng banged. Sama pas printerku di cap mati total. Aku googling trus ta cpoti sekrupe mboko siji trus urup maneh. Xixixixixixi…. (aree)

  • bukhoryart - December 3, 2009

    Eheheuhue.. betul betul betul..
    pertama lego karena masalahe teratasi.. wingi wis niat ameh tak titipke konco sik nang jakarta ngurus garansi bla bla bla.. ribet banged mesthi…

    kedua seneng banged mergo oleh ilmu anyarr.. secara nek kuwi dikomersilke nang service center user e iso wae ditarik 500rb bwat recovery BIOS
    myahahaha.. *ketawa jahat*

    Pesan mora : Jika anda memiliki masalah, tanyakan pada google yang bergoyang ^_^

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