here’s what i’ve done so far
web developer
— pursue passions, not paychecks —
graphic design
— invest in ideas that matter, talk about the big idea, draft it, then make an impact —
— let’s capture our moments, always grateful for our life —
believe in change
— pursuing the goodness & improvements —
Hoshizora Foundation
Co-founder & Board Member, Founded 2006
Yogyakarta & Indonesia
Indonesia’s independent foundation (NGO) based in Yogyakarta, which has provided “Mimpi Anak Negeri” scholarship and mentoring to over 1,500 children from the various island in Indonesia through foster siblings program. —
PT. Bintang Langit Mandiri (Hoshizora Social Enterprise)
Co-founder & Board of Commissioners, Founded 2012
Yogyakarta & Indonesia
Hoshizora Foundation Social Enterprise established Ingkung Kuali Restaurant —, Environmental Education Center (EEC) —, Hoshizora Tour — The net profit of SE is distributed to various sectors; the villagers, Hoshizora Foundation for children’s mentoring programs, the investors, and to further development of Desa Wisata Kalakijo.