
Hello World!

wahh dah lama banged gak nulis sesuatu di blog..

apalagi di era mikro blogging saat ini orang2 yg sibuk dengan pekerjaan n aktivitas hariannya jadi gak punya waktu buat ngeblog n lebih senang update status doang di fesbukh, twitter, plurk…
Jadi kangen juga ama blog. Secara dulu cuman angin2an juga sih.. he he..
hmm… masih bingung mo nulis apa.. :p

Ahmad Bukhori

Co-Founder & CEO of Hoshizora Foundation, Indonesia's independent foundation (NGO) based in Yogyakarta, which has provided "Mimpi Anak Negeri" scholarship and mentoring to over 1,500 children from the various island in Indonesia through foster siblings program. His expertise in IT development, Photography & Digital Media has greatly contributed to the management and operation of Hoshizora’s ICT infrastructure and graphics design as his passion for social innovation.

Ahmad BukhoriHello World!